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(7 Top) stable last version download 5.2.3-DB-Solo.app to

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Main category Business
Sub category Applications
Developer DB Solo LLC
Filesize 83968
Title DB Solo

5.2.3-DB Solo.tar.gz

Pixelmator 3.8.4 - Powerful layer-based...
Yes, drag.
Procedure Editors for SQL Server and Sybase, as well as a Stored
Added support for SQL Server extended properties

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Yes, click single column header. Click "Sort" button to sort multiple.
Yes for tables and views (but buggy eg Fails for identifiers with spaces)
OS: Windows (presumably)
Top downloads Database for windows
DB Solo 3 (free version) download for Mac OS X
support for SQL Server 2008 and Oracle 11g was added in this version
Just kidding. I love pizza. Especially if it’s free.

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