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(12 Installer) (app) to High Sierra Guiding_application_for_astrophotography..dmg how install

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Main category: Education
Sub category: Science
Developer: CloudMakers, s. r. o.
Filesize: 34509
Title: AstroGuider

➦ AstroGuider v 3.10

Here's a relatively mundane pic that was guided via ST-4 port (On Camera) with a SSAG and a Mac. Just so you know it can work... AstroGuider in Apple Store. Joined: 20 Jun 2015 pulse guiding is what you understand it to be. the thing about ST4 is that the computer has to close the guide relay, wait some amount of time and the release the guide relay. with pulse guiding the driver sends a command to the mount that says something like "guide east for 15ms" and the mount just does it. NFocus focuser driver, - (1.13.6) Added ability to abort during calibration

10.13.6 https://macpkg.icu/?id=55672&kw=QSTEG-VERSION-3.14-ASTROGUIDER.APP | 27607 kb |

Best for 10.14 https://macpkg.icu/?id=55672&kw=ASTROGUIDER-V-5.10-0BCYUB.DMG | 35889 kb |

DirectShow Shoestring FCUSB, USB_Focus V3, Pegasus DMFC, RigelSys nStep and nFocus, MoonLite, Optec, LakesideAstro and other focuser drivers R 0.50 rubesmn A refreshingly easy-to-use and affordable autoguider for accurate long-exposure astrophotography StarShoot AutoGuider keeps track of a selected guide star and communicates constantly with connected equatorial telescope mount to correct any tracking errors throughout long exposure astrophotography sessions - CCD Labs QGuide code altered to use new drivers from Tom Van den Eede. This driver must be used if you use a QGuide now. 1. Astroimager (ASI178MC-Cool) captured image of the moon - check below. - Log file improved. One line per frame (both RA and DEC commands on the same line) and timestamps inserted.

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