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Capture key information • Panoramic and Scrolling Capture Requires: Mac OS X 10 or later TechSmith Camtasia - Snagit Bundle System Copy permalink Preview and edit the recordings
Mobile Companion App 100 - 249 Users Licence 1 Year Maintenance (Each) (SNAG249MAINT) Powerpoint Import requires PowerPoint 2016 for Mac - Added rectangle shape to Magnify tool. Comments are currently closed for this discussion. You can start a new one. The Editor is a basic image editing program available in the basic version. It can be used to make simple changes to screenshots, including adding arrows, blurring sections, or cropping. Other features include adding new images called "stamps" onto screenshots, changing the viewing perspective of screen captures, adding annotations, using the eyedropper tool to determine the RGB values of any color, and other tools for improving the overall look of screen captures. The Editor uses Microsoft's Fluent Ribbon UI. Get a full suite of editing tools, and create images on your own. Edit screenshots or build custom graphics with arrows, text, highlights and more. Product Information
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