Enseignants de français de la circonscription Akbou 3

How can I migrate archive mailboxes from Exchange 2010 to 2016?

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If your organization is using Exchange 2010, then there is a possibility of missing out an advantages of Exchange 2013, 2016 or the 2019. And the exchange 2010 will be outdated soon. Microsoft will stop providing updates, bug fix etc., If you want your exchange server to be up to date then its better to move your organization data to exchange 2016 or exchange 2019. To perform migration of archive mailboxes the best method id to perform using third party tools like EdbMails  Exchange Migration  for archive mailbox migration from Exchange 2010 to 2016. This tool comes with no mailbox size limitation, safe and reliable data transmission and lot more. It also has free trial version which migrates 30 items from each and every folders.

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